10 Funny Memes About Work That Are Painfully Relatable

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10 Funny Memes About Work That Are Painfully Relatable

Workplace struggles are a universal experience, and nothing captures the highs and lows of our daily grind like a funny meme. Whether it’s dealing with annoying coworkers, overwhelming deadlines, or the classic “Monday blues,” memes can perfectly articulate our frustrations while providing a much-needed laugh.

Let’s dive into 10 funny memes about work that you’ll definitely find painfully relatable!

The Monday Struggle: A Universal Pain

The Monday Struggle

Mondays are universally despised, and for a good reason. After a relaxing weekend, getting back to the daily grind can feel like a monumental task.

  • Imagine a meme featuring a lazy guy with the caption:
    “Monday is proof that weekends are way too short.”
  • Why it’s relatable: No matter how much you love your job, the alarm clock on Monday morning is your worst enemy.

Pro Tip: Sharing Monday memes in your workgroup chat is a great way to bond over shared suffering and start the week on a lighter note.

When Your Coworker Eats Your Snacks

When Your Coworker Eats Your Snacks

Office kitchens are a battleground. Your lovingly packed snacks or that precious slice of pizza leftover are never safe!

  • Picture this: A meme with a suspicious-looking raccoon captioned:
    “Me, when I realize my lunch is gone: ‘Who did this?'”
  • Why it’s relatable: Snack thieves are a reality, and it’s always the ones who claim they’re on a diet!

Tips to Secure Your Snacks

  1. Label your food with a passive-aggressive note.
  2. Use a decoy lunch to confuse the culprit.
  3. Switch to snacks that nobody wants (looking at you, kale chips).

Endless Zoom Calls: A Pandemic Legacy

Endless Zoom Calls

The rise of remote work brought Zoom fatigue into our lives. We’ve all seen memes that depict people on Zoom calls only half-dressed or zoning out entirely.

  • Meme idea: A dog wearing glasses and a suit with the caption:
    “My top half during a Zoom call vs. my bottom half.”
  • Why it’s relatable: Who hasn’t pretended to be paying attention while secretly browsing social media?

Deadlines vs. Procrastination: The Eternal Battle

Deadlines Vs Procrastination

We’ve all been there—promising ourselves we’ll start that project early, only to find ourselves racing against the clock the night before the deadline.

  • Meme scenario: A skeleton typing furiously on a laptop with the caption:
    “Me: ‘I’ll start this tomorrow.’ Tomorrow: ‘You have 3 hours to complete this report.'”

How to Avoid Last-Minute Stress

  • Break your work into smaller chunks.
  • Use productivity tools like Trello or Asana.
  • Reward yourself after completing tasks on time.

The Pain of “Can You Stay Late Today?”

The Pain Of Can You Stay Late Today

Getting asked to stay late when you already have evening plans is soul-crushing.

  • Imagine a meme of someone dramatically crying:
    “Me, when my boss asks me to stay late: ‘I had plans… to do nothing!'”
  • Why it’s relatable: Nobody appreciates their time being taken for granted, especially when it’s last minute.

Pro Tip: If staying late becomes a pattern, have an open discussion with your boss about work-life balance.

“Per My Last Email”: The Passive-Aggressive Classic

Me, Trying To Sound Professional While I’m Actually Annoyed

Email etiquette memes are an entire genre. The phrase “Per my last email” is the professional way of saying, “Can you please read what I already wrote?”

  • Meme idea: A person furiously typing with the caption:
    “Me, trying to sound professional while I’m actually annoyed.”

Other Hilarious Office Email Phrases

  • “Just circling back…” = “Answer me already!”
  • “Thanks for your input!” = “This could’ve been an email.”
  • “As discussed previously…” = “Are you serious right now?”

The Printer Always Breaks When You Need It Most

Me Please Work! Printer Paper Jam

Printers have an uncanny ability to malfunction right when you’re on a tight schedule.

  • Meme scenario: A person pleading with a printer, captioned:
    “Me: ‘Please work!’ Printer: ‘Paper jam.’”

Printer Troubleshooting Tips That Actually Work

  1. Restart the printer.
  2. Check for driver updates.
  3. Politely threaten it with a hammer (kidding… or not).

“That’s Not My Job” Moments

When You Realize Nobody Else Is Going To Do It, But It’s Not Your Job Either

Every workplace has that one person who conveniently avoids tasks outside their job description.

  • Meme idea: A meme of Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man with the caption:
    “When you realize nobody else is going to do it, but it’s not your job either.”
  • Why it’s relatable: We’ve all been stuck picking up the slack for others at some point.

Office Parties: Awkward or Awesome?

Me At The Office Party, Trying To Look Busy So I Don’t Have To Socialize

Whether it’s a birthday celebration or a holiday party, office events are often a mix of fun and cringe-worthy moments.

  • Meme scenario: A woman awkwardly holding a plate of food with the caption:
    “Me at the office party, trying to look busy so I don’t have to socialize.”

How to Survive Office Parties

  • Stick with coworkers you’re comfortable with.
  • Join in games or activities to avoid awkward silences.
  • Make a graceful exit after an hour or two.

The “I Need a Raise” Internal Debate

Me, Practicing How To Ask For A Raise Vs Me Actually Asking So, Uh, How’s The Weather

Asking for a raise is stressful, and memes about it are both funny and painfully real.

  • Meme idea: A nervous character rehearsing a speech with the caption:
    “Me, practicing how to ask for a raise vs. me actually asking: ‘So, uh, how’s the weather?'”

How to Approach the Raise Conversation

  • Research industry standards for your role.
  • Present data on your contributions.
  • Practice the conversation with a friend.


Why are work memes so popular?
Work memes resonate because they humorously capture shared struggles, creating a sense of camaraderie among employees.

What are some good places to find work memes?
Instagram, Reddit, and Pinterest are great platforms for discovering hilarious work-related memes.

Can memes improve workplace morale?
Yes! Sharing lighthearted memes can foster a sense of humor, reduce stress, and strengthen team bonds.

How can I create my own work memes?
Use free online tools like Canva or Meme Generator to customize memes that reflect your workplace experiences.

Are work memes appropriate for all workplaces?
It depends on the company culture. Always ensure memes are lighthearted and non-offensive.

What’s the best way to share memes at work?
Create a dedicated chat group for casual conversations where memes can be shared without disrupting productivity.


Work memes are more than just funny—they’re a way to connect over shared experiences, alleviate stress, and inject humor into the workplace. Whether it’s about annoying coworkers, procrastination, or office parties, these memes remind us that we’re all in this together.

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